Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stuffed Dinosaur Toy Need Help Remembering The Name Of A Tv Film/childrens Movie!?

Need help remembering the name of a tv film/childrens movie!? - stuffed dinosaur toy

When I was young, I have to see over and over a video of a TV movie / cinema for children. He was a boy, a stuffed toy dinosaur and his best friend was, and when nobody was around him alive. They sing Elvis songs and such and I think it's something to do with them for a telescope to a point. Another thing is what led to the school and he drew from his mother ended sticthing again and again push the stuffing inside. Oh, and his father something to work with sculptures from metal / metal. and went towards the end and then the toy dinosaurs after the child began to pursue ...... pretty scary for a movie for children!

I think it was around 1990-1995. and I think it is a British film production.

Any help would be very grateful!

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