Thursday, January 7, 2010

Picture Exchange System Looking For An Alternative To The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECs) For Non-verbal Autistic Child?

Looking for an alternative to the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECs) for non-verbal autistic child? - picture exchange system

My 6-year-old nephew with autism is not verbal, and I found a communication image that interests me on the Internet, but then lost the link, and now I can not find. It is different) from the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS. It is less well known and seems to be a small business, where is the system that they produce, their only product. I really want to buy the system and would appreciate any help finding him. Or even help a Web site that the various types of communication systems, it shows pictures. (All my research is still displayed, Pecs, which is not what I'm looking for). Thank you very much for any help!


  1. Icons all the time I post pictures in my therapy sessions with music, but are not part of a formal Pécs. The idea that it is visual rather than verbal representations really like the important part. You do not need a formal system for that. I usually industrial manufacturer with as much as I can, but sometimes I need to find clip art sites online, a picture that I found.

    Frankly, I think I suit says the system "for the best for your child is important to a brand associated with it.

  2. I have some links I found when looking for pictures of augmentative are included. I hope they are able to find what you are looking for. ... ...
    DV # ... ...

  3. My son is 14, and nonverbal. He does not know sign language, and can be 1 or 2 syllables, still little sounds to use as keywords,
    I toyed with the idea of creating Web pages with links to images of bites are recorded, so the pages can be on a Pocket PC loaded and used in order to serve the poor ACD Ike. I have the bug worked out, but it seemed viable.

  4. And that? ...

    We have this fact and in Pécs, as I come to speak a word to my daughter, both are impressive.

    Good luck

  5. Hello, I'm not sure if what you want, but I thought I would offer my input. I work as a one-to-one student severely autistic 8 years. He did not speak of Pecs care, was not with them. Therefore, the symbols that use a little different than we are with a program called Board Maker for Macs, is the link: ...

    There is also a program called TEACCH I have in him a short distance. It was interesting, not just have the oppurtunity to learn more about it.

    Hope that helps and good luck! :)

  6. Hello, I'm not sure if what you want, but I thought I would offer my input. I work as a one-to-one student severely autistic 8 years. He did not speak of Pecs care, was not with them. Therefore, the symbols that use a little different than we are with a program called Board Maker for Macs, is the link: ...

    There is also a program called TEACCH I have in him a short distance. It was interesting, not just have the oppurtunity to learn more about it.

    Hope that helps and good luck! :)
